Choosing a Domain For Your Proxy Site

Tue, Jan 6, 2009


Choosing a domain for your proxy web site will be very important. There are three primary trains of thought when it comes to picking a proxy domain. The first one is to choose a domain name that is brandable. You want to pick something that is memorable. This is more professional and it’s easier for people to remember. Therefore, they won’t have to bookmark your site to be able to come back and visit you, they will simply remember the name. A proxy site that seems professional is more likely to be passed on and recommended to other people. So in effect, it is more potentially viral.

The second train of thought is to simply use old domains that you have. Many times these are unpronounceable or they are not easy to remember. Now, if you are just looking to make a few bucks from Adsense and you don’t care about the long-term success of your proxy site, then this may be fine.

The third train of thought is to go cheap and just a purchase info domains. These are the least expensive and you can grab a lot of them. So if you want to create proxies in bulk, this is a good option.

Remember, certain networks block the words like “proxy”, “proxies” – so be careful

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4 Comments For This Post

  1. proxy list Says:

    I think the best domains are info because they are the cheapest domains but not good for long term. You better pick then a .com domain name. Also never host the domain with your webhost always use a separate host for your domains to be safe I suggest you use namecheap or godaddy.

  2. Ilyas Says:

    You are right .info domains are cheap to buy if you are looking for some quick bucks but if your serious into business so I think its better to go for .com domains, and yes namecheap or godaddy are the best registrar to buy your domains.

  3. Proxy Forums Says:

    I suggest the .info route – and make sure they are easy to remember.

  4. Ilyas Says:

    As I’ve already mentioned before, .info domains are also good.

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